LMR S.r.l. is a company which designs and manufactures metallic structures in painted steel, hot deep steel and stainless steel for palletizing/depalletizing systems, conveyor systems, support structures and boardwalks.
We operate internationally and respond to the requests of the most demanding of customers.
Our company has experienced decades of knowledge in this sector thanks to a patent conceived and designed to resolve all issues connected with palletizing systems.
The most requested applications are in the Food & Beverage sector, specifically in manufacturing platforms for machines in different levels and also with cantilevered areas but in many other sectors too (Mechanical Constructions, Oil&Gas, Tobacco..).
We continuously invest in R&D to anticipate the market and customer’s requirements.
In a true zero-defects approach, there are no unimportant items.
The platforms we manufacture reflect the strictest safety standards and vary depending on different laws that must be complied worldwide.
Excellence is not an accomplishment. It is a spirit, a never-ending process.